The Best Business Investment You Can Make
Our Training Services Division was established as an initiative to help overcome skilled and semi-skilled labour shortages, especially in our agribusiness, civil construction, infrastructure, transportation and logistics industries.
Working in partnership with Workforce Training Services provides our clients with access to a broad range of training and development opportunities, ensuring a skilled labour force and future employment security within their particular industry sector.
Since the introduction of this initiative to our service offering, we have discovered that the training process significantly changes workplace attitudes and behaviours, thereby enhancing performance and ultimately delivering increased productivity. It’s a win-win outcome for all participants.
Workforce International’s specialist Training Services Division (WTS) helps our clients to identify, develop and deliver programs that meet their training policy objectives. A highly experienced WTS Training Coordinator will work with you to:
- gain a full understanding of your business and training objectives;
- assist in developing effective training policies;
- help identify skills gaps within your company;
- recommend programs to up-skill your workforce with recognised industry qualifications;
- tailor training programs that are specific to your company’s needs;
- because we work across such a wide range of industries, we have developed a national network of industry-specialist Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to deliver accredited training programs for our clients.
Traineeships/Skills Recognition Management
WTS also provides comprehensive management and coordination of Workforce International trainees on client sites. We can help you:
- identify suitable employees and candidates who are eligible to undertake traineeships;
- source and oversee RTO services and liaise with training authorities;
- arrange assessment schedules;
- monitor trainee progress and provide mentoring and pastoral care to help achieve successful completion.